Basic advice on common training problems such as pulling on the lead, recall, Sit, Stay, Down.
Handle & Train Consultation £40.00 (60 min)This is a 60 minute consultation to provide advice and help on basic training and handling issues. Held either in the home or in a public area depending on the problem. Aggression is not covered by th...
Advice and assistance on behavioural issues such as separation problems, general anxiety or timidness, fear of sounds (thunderstorms, fireworks etc).
Home Behaviour Consultation £60.00 (90 min)This consultation covers problems in the home such as your dog barking or chewing while you are away, barking at the fence or gate and other problem behaviours within the home. This consultation does ...
Behaviour Assessments Canine behaviour assessment service available to rescue organisations or individuals. Experienced in RSPCA and other rescue case assessment. Written report provided within 48 hours.
Any dog under six months of age is considered a puppy for the purposes of behavioural consultation.
Puppy Consultation £60.00 (120 min)This is a 2 hour consultation in the home specifically designed to help new owners give their pups the best start to life. All major topics covered including housetraining, teaching how to play nicely...
Choose-A-Puppy Consultation Choosing the right puppy can make the difference between the dog ending up in rescue and the dog becoming a cherished family member.This service provides hands-on assistance with this through accompan...